Histograms in Postgres

April 10, 2018 • 7 minute read

Ever been searching through SQL tables and think, “Gee I wish I could just get a quick look at a histogram of this data?” Yeah me too. Happens all the time but alas, you’re stuck in a SQL prompt somewhere and you’re still 2-3 copy/pastes, an Excel array formula, and 5-6 clicks way from reaching this nirvana.

Well fret no more because I’m about to show you how to calculate and “plot” a histogram from within Postgres. That’s right, you’ll be making ascii art all from within the confines of your psql shell.

What is a histogram?

Histograms are way visual way of displaying the distribution of your data. It helps answer the question, “What are the values of your data? and How often does each value occur?“.

Histograms shouldn’t be confused with “frequency charts”. “Frequency charts”, while they can be just as helpful, are only used for categorical (non-numerical) data. For example, if you wanted to count how many countries name’s started with each letter of the alphabet, you’d see something like this:

So while it’s a similar exercise, just know that when we’re talking about histograms, we’re talking about numerical data. For example, a histogram showing the price of a set of diamonds looks like this:

So you can see how they’re so useful! It’s a great way to take a quick look at a bunch of data without having to inspect each row individually or put everything into a pivot table in Excel.


For this post I’m going to be using the [diamonds dataset](). It’s a fairly common sample dataset that’s found in both industry and academia. It even ships with some popular R packages like ggplot2.

The dataset consists of ~50K rows and 10 columns. In our example below we’ll be calculating a histogram for the the price column (just like the example above).

…insert first 5 rows of diamonds dataset…


Calculating histograms consists of a few steps:

  • Calculate the “bins”
  • Counting the number of datapoints in each bin
  • Making the visualization

Calculating Your Bins

Determining the “right” number of buckets, or bins, for your histogram is a hotly contested (or at least opinionated) topic. In short, there’s no one perfect way to calculate the number and size of your bins, you’ll need to take things on a case by case basis. There are a few common ways that have stayed popular over the years:

  • Square-root: take the sqare root of the number of data points (n)
  • Sturges’ formula: log-2 of n + 1
  • Freedman–Diaconis’: (2 * (75th percentile - 25th percentile)) / (n^(13)

For our case we’re going to use a modified version of the square root method. Since there’s only so many rows we can display on our screen at once, we have an upper bound on the number of bins that we can reasonably use. For practical puposes, our output starts to break down after 50 bins, so the formula we’ll be using is:

min(50, sqrt(n))

Now we’ll of course need to translate this to SQL. This is actually fairly easy and intuitive to do:

    , min(x) as x_min
    , max(x) as x_max
    least(50, ceil(sqrt(count(x)))) as nbins
into temp

There are a few things going on here: 1) Counting the # of instances of x we have (n) 2) Taking the sqrt of that value 3) Rounding that value up to the nearest whole number (ceil) 4) Taking the lower of the value of (3) and 50

As you can see we’re also saving the min/max value for x. This will come in handy later.

Next we’ll create a bin_range table that contains the lower and upper bounds of each bin. To do this we’ll use the generate_series function in Postgres to generate n values between x_min and x_max.

We’ll then use the lag function to offset this data to give the lower and upper bounds their own columns.

    generate_series(x_min::numeric, x_max::numeric, ((x_max - x_min) / nbins)::numeric) as bin
into temp bins

    lag(bin) over (order by bin) as low_bin
    , b.bin as high_bin
into temp bin_range
    bins b;
low_bin high_bin
-3.92909625498578 -3.673483410809675
-3.673483410809675 -3.417870566633570
-3.417870566633570 -3.162257722457465
... ...

Binning and Counting

Conceptually this part is quite simple: we need to create a frequency table that gives us the # of points that occurr in each bin. However in SQL terms this is a little tricky. We’re going to be doing something that will make your Data Warehouse Engineer cringe…we’ll be doing a cartesian join!

We’ll start by joining our bins table to our diamonds table. We’re going to be doing an inner join because each bin should at least have SOME data in it (we calculated them with the same data after all). Now the next step is very important. We’re going to join 2 tables where the value of price is within the range of one of the bins. It looks like this:

    , b.high_bin
    , r.x
    bin_range b
left join
    rnorm r
        on r.x <= b.high_bin and
        r.x > b.low_bin
    b.low_bin is not null and
    b.high_bin is not null
order by
low_bin high_bin x
-3.60916920471936 -3.375286320204154  
-3.375286320204154 -3.141403435688948 -3.14852622197941
-3.375286320204154 -3.141403435688948 -3.29226258210838
-3.375286320204154 -3.141403435688948 -3.27717558760196
-3.141403435688948 -2.907520551173742 -3.06108768424019
-3.141403435688948 -2.907520551173742 -2.96137290727347
-3.141403435688948 -2.907520551173742 -2.96593475434929
... ... ...

This gets us almost all the way there. Last thing we need to do is aggregate the bins and count the # of times each set of bins has a particular value.

    , b.high_bin
    , count(*) as freq
    bin_range b
left join
    rnorm r
        on r.x <= b.high_bin and
        r.x > b.low_bin
    b.low_bin is not null and
    b.high_bin is not null
group by
    , b.high_bin
order by
low_bin high_bin freq
... ... ...
-2.547947306347932 -2.282606475399404 25
-2.282606475399404 -2.017265644450876 28
-2.017265644450876 -1.751924813502348 41
-1.751924813502348 -1.486583982553820 35
-1.486583982553820 -1.221243151605292 50
-1.221243151605292 -0.955902320656764 59
-0.955902320656764 -0.690561489708236 43
-0.690561489708236 -0.425220658759708 43
-0.425220658759708 -0.159879827811180 40
... ... ...

Our Psuedo-chart

Alright we’re almost there! Time for the fun part. We’re going to make a pseudo-visualization right here from our SQL table. Instead of displaying the frequency for each bin, we’re going to make a bar chart. To do that we’ll be using the repeat(s char, n int) function from Postgres. This function will repeat a string (s), n number of times.

So in our case we’ll be repeat the '|' character the by the count for each bin. To scale our chart, we’ll actually apply normalize so that the largest frequency has 50 '|' marks and scale accordingly for the other buckets.

  , f.high_bin
  , repeat('|', ceil(50 * f.freq / (select max(freq)::numeric from frequency_table))::int)
  frequency_table f
low_bin       |      high_bin      |                       count
-3.70145826274529 | -3.474553561931394 | ||||
-3.474553561931394 | -3.247648861117498 | |
-3.247648861117498 | -3.020744160303602 | |||||
-3.020744160303602 | -2.793839459489706 | ||||||||
-2.793839459489706 | -2.566934758675810 | |||||
-2.566934758675810 | -2.340030057861914 | |||||||||
-2.340030057861914 | -2.113125357048018 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
-2.113125357048018 | -1.886220656234122 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-1.886220656234122 | -1.659315955420226 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-1.659315955420226 | -1.432411254606330 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-1.432411254606330 | -1.205506553792434 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-1.205506553792434 | -0.978601852978538 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-0.978601852978538 | -0.751697152164642 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-0.751697152164642 | -0.524792451350746 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-0.524792451350746 | -0.297887750536850 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-0.297887750536850 | -0.070983049722954 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-0.070983049722954 |  0.155921651090942 | |||||||||||||||||
0.155921651090942 |  0.382826351904838 | ||||||||||||
0.382826351904838 |  0.609731052718734 | ||||||||||||||||
0.609731052718734 |  0.836635753532630 | ||||||||||
0.836635753532630 |  1.063540454346526 | ||||||||||||
1.063540454346526 |  1.290445155160422 | ||||||
1.290445155160422 |  1.517349855974318 | ||

There you have it! You can simplify this script a lot by removing some of the more detailed bits regarding the bin selecting and scaling. You can find [simplified versions in this gist]().

Before You Go

Some other helpful resources for histograms and all things SQL: